Interactive and inspiring workshops give you the tools to bring a storytelling culture into your professional and personal life. Learn how to construct something special every time you need to present your work or activate change in others

Coaching & Training
Mine your personal or professional life for events that make a great story. Develop a “storybank”. Do you have a specific message to share? We can guide you through the construction of a clear narrative designed to create maximum impact

We deliver a moving and inspirational talks to all sorts of groups. We will work with you to design a presentation appropriate to your specific event and organisation
Our Philosophy
We believe that when we share stories, we give people a window into our lives. We let people access our humanity.
We connect. We focus. We inspire.
When we craft our stories, we are forced to ask big questions like, “why am I telling this story?” or “what were the values at stake?”
The process gets us focussed on the essence of our message and what really matters.
When we share stories, we give people a window into our lives. We let people access our humanity. We become vulnerable. In a world filled with too much screen time, we are desperate for moments of substantial human connection. Sharing stories gives us that connection.
If you want to move people to action, you need to inspire them. You need to capture their hearts and minds. You need to make them feel they have a voice and power. Storytelling engages our emotions as well as our rational selves, and when we feel something, we are much more likely to take action!
What we do
Storytelling is both an end, and a means in itself. You can apply the storytelling skills you develop through our training in many contexts!
Sharing your organisation’s story
Leadership and executive training
Storytelling for advocacy and social change
Storytelling for legal professionals
Storytelling for personal transition
Youth development
Founders’ stories
Social enteprises
Fundraising and pitching
Health and wellness
Working with kids
Storytelling for young people
Our Philosophy
We believe that when we share stories, we give people a window into our lives. We let people access our humanity.
We connect. We focus. We inspire.
When we craft our stories, we are forced to ask big questions like, “why am I telling this story?” or “what were the values at stake?”
The process gets us focussed on the essence of our message and what really matters.
When we share stories, we give people a window into our lives. We let people access our humanity. We become vulnerable. In a world filled with too much screen time, we are desperate for moments of substantial human connection. Sharing stories gives us that connection.
If you want to move people to action, you need to inspire them. You need to capture their hearts and minds. You need to make them feel they have a voice and power. Storytelling engages our emotions as well as our rational selves, and when we feel something, we are much more likely to take action!
Workshop Photo Gallery
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